Web 前端有三大框架(Angular,React,Vue)的分野,但从他们的更新来看,三者在相互借鉴吸收,开发范式越来越一致。此外,javascript也在PC客户端、移动端攻城略地。一个更广泛意义上的大前端,大一统前景逐渐清晰。之前在写 vue hello world 的时候,虽然自己有限的js勉强够用,但是总觉得,如果不在语言层有牢靠的基础,对框架的学习始终是空中楼阁。
选《pro typescript》作为主要教材,这本书在亚马逊上的评分还不错。加油鸭!
- TypeScript is a language created and maintained by Microsoft, and released under an open-source Apache 2.0 License (2004). The language is focused on making the development of JavaScript programs scale to many thousands of lines of code.
- The TypeScript language is a typed superset of JavaScript, which is compiled to plain JavaScript in the flavor of your choosing.This makes programs written in TypeScript highly portable as they can run on almost any machine — in web browsers, on web servers, and even in native applications on operating systems that expose a JavaScript API, such as WinJS.